Bo Chaney Adventures of Rob and Rocky

Bo Chaney is dedicated to the cause of helping kids find a path to attainable well-paying jobs, but also bringing diversity to public service for the betterment of the community. After sitting with Bo, and hearing him talk about his vision, we couldn't help but be inspired to work our hardest to craft his story. Greg Cormier has been helping us out over these past couple months, and this was brought to life by him.

Please take a look at the piece, congratulate Greg on a job well done, and help us share the passion of someone aiming to change our community and other communities across the country.

Produced by Pablo Korona

Shot and edited by Greg Cormier

Music by the Inimitable SFC: Zach Staas, Daniel Pingrey and Jason Kaye


Ivy, the Dumpster Puppy


DairyHaus Family