Passion City

Passion City.

That's the best way to describe how husband and wife Dr. Nicole Macaulay and Thad Denthriff II have seen Rockford, Illinois. Nicole has taken patient care by the hand. She's as impressively wise as she is compassionate. It was an honor to be around the Doctor and witness her. The mother in the video credits Dr. Macaulay for helping save the life of her daughter. Now, after moving place to place with his wife and looking after the kids, once stay-at-home-dad Thad has followed his dreams of continuing his family business of Little Nick's BBQ here.

Produced by Pablo Korona

Music by Zach Staas, Jason Kaye and Derek Luttrell.

Thank you for Mercyhealth for allowing us to film.

The director Pablo Korona wants to thank his sister Alicia and his niece for their cameo in the video.

Please consider supporting the creation of these videos for $1

Supporters of the story:

Kevin Holdmann

Whitney Reed

Corey Frang

Annie Picken

Caitlyn Baylor

Megan Hastings

Jodi Stehman

Sheri White

Mitch Aunger

Joshua Binning

Ron Clewer

Hans Rupert

Dawn Nimmo

Reid Jutras

Jordan Guzzardo

Kenny Jackson

Kindall Rende


Armando Cardenas


Colorblind Artist